Postdoc in gene expression and the maintenance of genome stability, in the Svejstrup laboratory at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM)


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

We seek one or two talented and highly motivated postdocs interested in investigating the interface between gene transcription, RNA metabolism and genome stability to join the laboratory led by Professor Jesper Svejstrup.
The successful candidate(s) will be employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM) at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. The employment period is for 3 years starting 1 September 2023, or soon thereafter.

Dr Svejstrup’s laboratory ( focuses on the mechanisms of gene expression and various aspects of transcription-associated genome instability and the cellular response to DNA damage obstructing transcription. Details of recent papers and research projects currently being undertaken can be found in the link above.

Research techniques used in the laboratory include: Cell biology, Biochemistry (including SILAC proteomics and reconstitution of key processes with purified factors in vitro) and modern Genome-wide techniques (ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, GRO-Seq, etc), as well as Genomic screening (siRNA and CRISPR screens).

Svejstrup lab represents cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and training, and is located in the Panum Institute within the ICMM. We will have access to state-of-the-art facilities for mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, cell engineering, and next-generation sequencing.

Project description
The positions are potentially related to several different projects: 1) Investigation aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the molecular processes underlying transcription-coupled repair (TC-NER), with a particular focus on the transcription-repair coupling factors CSA and CSB, both encoded by genes that are mutated in the severe neurological disorder Cockayne syndrome. 2) A second area of interest is related to the process of transcript elongation, and in particular the mechanisms that allow RNA polymerase II to transcribe a gene with high fidelity and without loss of genome stability. 3) And a third new research area investigating transcription-related factors that govern nucleus-cytoplasm communication, and which ensure that the entire process of gene expression (from transcription in the nucleus to mRNA translation in the cytoplasm) is correctly regulated.

Any postdoctoral fellow joining the laboratory will be encouraged to help develop their own project. A high degree of independence will be granted and expected.

Principal mentor is Professor Jesper Svejstrup, ICMM, e-mail:

Essential experience and skills:

  • You have a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Cell Biology, or similar.
  • You possess research experience and an excellent publication records (first-authorship expected), with extensive prior experience in transcription research, and expertise in either molecular cell biology research, genome-wide analysis, or both, in mammalian cells.
  • Proficient communication skills and ability to work in teams.
  • Excellent English skills written and spoken.
Place of employment
The place of employment is at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM), University of Copenhagen. ICMM offers a creative and ambitious scientific environment, with many different nationalities represented. ICMM aims to produce research with high international impact focusing on the functional cell, its genetic components and molecular cellular mechanisms in a medical context.

ICMM currently comprises five research programs, three high profile Research Centers as well as a number of international research groups. The scientists at ICMM are involved in high quality research based undergraduate and graduate teaching programs at the University of Copenhagen.

More information can be found at

Terms of employment
The employment as a postdoctoral researcher is a full time (37 working hours per week in average) and fixed-term position for 3 years. The starting date is 1 September 2023 or after agreement.
Salary, pension and terms of employment will be in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Taxation and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant organisation. Currently, the monthly salary starts at DKK 36,291 / approx. EUR 4,871 (April 2023-level). Depending on qualifications, a supplement may be negotiated.
The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund.

Foreign and Danish applicants may be eligible for tax reductions, if they hold a PhD degree and have not lived in Denmark the last 10 years.

The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2020.

For further information please contact Jesper Svejstrup, ICMM, e-mail:

Foreign applicants may find this link useful: (International Staff Mobility).

Application procedure
Your online application must be submitted in English by clicking ‘Apply now’ below. Furthermore your application must include the following documents/attachments – all in PDF format:

  1. Motivated letter of application (max. one page).
  2. CV incl. education, work/research experience, language skills and other skills relevant for the position.
  3. A certified/signed copy of a) PhD certificate and b) Master of Science certificate (transcripts included). If the PhD is not completed, a written statement from the supervisor will do.
  4. List of publications.
Application deadline: Thursday 1 June 2023, 23.59 p.m. CET.

We reserve the right not to consider material received after the deadline, and not to consider applications that do not live up to the above mentioned requirements.

The further process
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the hiring committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an unbiased assessor. Once the assessment work has been completed each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.

You can read about the recruitment process at

The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences comprises approximately 7,823 students, 1,886 PhD students and 5,100 employees. The faculty advances the field of health sciences through its core activities: research, teaching, knowledge sharing and communication. With basic research fields ranging from molecular studies to studies of society, the faculty contributes to a healthy future through its graduates, research findings and inventions benefitting patients and the community.
The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the surrounding community and invites all regardless of personal background to apply for the position.


- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Tårnby Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


KU - SUND - PANUM KBH N, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 København N


Ansøgningsfrist: 01-06-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet